This is my favorite
Psalm. The first half, reproduced here, is a beautiful exchange between
David and God, where they each affirm their total love and allegiance to one
another. I have italicized God’s lines to make it easier to read. Clearly,
we are expected to place ourselves in David’s shoes and to receive God’s loving
words to David as though they are directed to us.
Inevitably, if this is read
aloud to a group for discussion, the participants report being particularly
intrigued by the conditions God seems to put on His love, and the punishment He
is willing to mete out:
If his children forsake my
and don’t walk in my
if they break my statutes,
and don’t keep my
then I will punish their sin
with the rod,
and their iniquity with
I think this is misplaced
emphasis. God acknowledges that David and his descendants will disappoint, but
we are supposed to note the emphatic reaffirmation of God’s love that
immediately follows. This is the overwhelming message of the psalm.
This is covenantal, irrevocable love.
I will sing of the loving
kindness of Yahweh forever.
With my mouth, I will make
known your faithfulness to all generations.
I indeed declare, “Love
stands firm forever.
You established the heavens.
Your faithfulness is in
“I have made a covenant with
my chosen one,
I have sworn to David, my
‘I will establish your
offspring forever,
and build up your throne to
all generations.’”
The heavens will praise your
wonders, Yahweh,
your faithfulness also in
the assembly of the holy ones.
For who in the skies can be
compared to Yahweh?
Who among the sons of the
heavenly beings is like Yahweh,
a very awesome God in the
council of the holy ones,
to be revered above all
those who are around him?
Yahweh, who is a mighty one,
like you?
Yah, your faithfulness is
around you.
You rule the pride of the
When its waves rise up, you
calm them.
You have broken Rahab in
pieces, like one of the slain.
You have scattered your
enemies with your mighty arm.
The heavens are yours.
The earth also is yours,
the world and its fullness.
You have founded them.
You have created the north
and the south.
Tabor and Hermon rejoice in
your name.
You have a mighty arm.
Your hand is strong, and
your right hand is exalted.
Righteousness and justice
are the foundation of your throne.
Loving kindness and truth go
before your face.
Blessed are the people who
learn to acclaim you.
They walk in the light of
your presence, Yahweh.
In your name they rejoice
all day.
In your righteousness, they
are exalted.
For you are the glory of
their strength.
In your favor, our horn will
be exalted.
For our shield belongs to
our king to the Holy One of
Then you spoke in vision to
your saints,
and said, “I have given strength to the
I have exalted a young man
from the people.
I have found David, my
I have anointed him with my
holy oil,
with whom my hand shall be
My arm will also strengthen
No enemy will tax him.
No wicked man will oppress
I will beat down his
adversaries before him,
and strike those who hate
But my faithfulness and my
loving kindness will be with him.
In my name, his horn will be
I will set his hand also on
the sea,
and his right hand on the
He will call to me, ‘You are
my Father,
my God, and the rock of my
I will also appoint him my
the highest of the kings of
the earth.
I will keep my loving
kindness for him forever more.
My covenant will stand firm
with him.
I will also make his
offspring endure forever,
and his throne as the days
of heaven.
If his children forsake my
and don’t walk in my
if they break my statutes,
and don’t keep my
then I will punish their sin
with the rod,
and their iniquity with
But I will NEVER take my
steadfast love from him,
nor allow my faithfulness to
I will not break my covenant,
nor alter what my lips have
Once I have sworn by my
I will NEVER lie to David.
His offspring will endure
his throne like the sun
before me.
It will be established
forever like the moon,
the faithful witness in the