The central premise of this blog is that
our relationship to God is not transactional.
It rejects the idea that we must act well, believe well or repent well
to earn God’s love. Rather, I take an
existential view: We are the beloved of
God regardless of what we do or think.
This is in keeping with modern science and philosophy which indicate that
we do not have free will and therefore couldn’t possible earn anything in the eyes
of an all-knowing deity. It is also in
keeping with the age-old ideas of grace and the shefa.
Our eye is naturally attracted to the
transactional in today’s reading. Most
often, it is read as a warning to remain in good standing with God at all times
because you never know when your moment of judgment will come. But if God is unconditionally loving, such an
interpretation makes no sense whatsoever.
I have compared encounter with God to
the I/Thou encounter described by Martin Buber.
The I/Thou encounter can come unbidden to the unprepared, as
demonstrated by St. Paul on the road to Damascus. But most often it comes as an epiphany after years
of preparation, as demonstrated by the apostles at Pentecost and the Buddha
under the bodhi tree. Today’s reading is
an exhortation to prepare - not to be
ready for judgment, but to be ready for the divine encounter so that we
recognize it when it comes.
Image: Martin Buber