Passion or Passover?

I think this photograph is so funny. It has taken social media by storm, usually with a caption to the effect of: "Telling Jesus how bad your life is right now." 

That the Passion started at the close of Passover has extraordinary meaning in itself. At Passover, God saved the Israelites from slavery "with a strong arm."  In the Passion, God allowed His son to be brutally tortured and killed.   

One of Jesus's most repeated themes is that bad things do happen to good people.  Re-read the story of the man blind from birth. The theology of the time was that any hardship was a sign from God that you (or your parents!) had done something bad and the hardship was imposed on you by God as punishment.  Jesus spoke out against this repeatedly.  I have argued elsewhere that the Beatitudes are not moral advice - they are a statement against this view. Blessed - not cursed - are the poor in spirit.  At our lowest, we have God's highest attention and love.   The Story of Lazarus and the rich man is also not moral advice.  It contradicts the theology that if you are rich it is because of God's favor and vice versa. The Old Testament challenges this thought too.  The Book of Job is often dismissed as a story about a wager between God and the devil, but it is really a statement that bad events are not punishment from God. 

When something like COVID sweeps the globe, it is easy to doubt that God is in control of good and bad.  That's progress because He isn't.   Scripture tells us that God is not the dealer of life's cards - even on a global scale. God loves us and suffers with us.  You only have to look at a crucifix to see that.